Open Graph Generator

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<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:type" content="">

Open graph generator


About Open Graph?


 In 2010 Facebook came up with an innovative technology known as Open graph which was created to systemize and standardize the use of metadata within a webpage so that it represents the content of a particular webpage. In simple words, it permits any different webpage to have the same utility and capabilities as other components on Facebook. Different social media platforms also acknowledge the importance of social media tags and also identify them. There are a lot of advantages to open graph tags. They give you exact details of your website and help them in their search engine strategy. The information that comes up with an open graph helps you by increasing your ranking in the search engine. If a website has open graphs protocol it means that it will improve its visibility on different social media apps. By using this strategy on your website it will increase the number of people who visit the website and also then its image will also be enhanced.


 What is an open graph?


This online utility helps website content creators by using different tags so that they can provide thorough Intel to different social media platforms. With the help of this Intel, social media presents the links in a more efficient manner. This tool helps you to convert your Facebook page into a singular object graph. Then you can simply incorporate this graph into other websites. Facebook pages have information that tells about shares and likes and all are compressed into a graph. You can supervise the presentation of data with the help of Meta tags. An Open Graph generator helps to create more tags.


Open Graph generator by Toolsbox


The Open Graph generator tool by Toolsbox is the best online utility that creates open graphs which help you create more graphs. It is an easy-to-use tool that will help both amateur and skilled website designers. Like all the tools on the Toolsbox page, the Open Graph generator is free to use with no additional charges. This tool gives detailed information about the loading time of the website. With this tool, you can supervise the representation of data with the help of Meta tags.  And can help to generate more tags.


How to use this tool?


To use this tool you have to go to the Toolsbox website and find the open graph generator tool page. Then you have to fill in the fields which are required to formulate the result. Then you have to insert the URL of the website and the URL of the images. Then hit the button below and the result will appear on the screen within seconds.

The result will contain HTML code, the code then has to be pasted on the header section of the website HTML code.  After that Facebook will show website content. This way more traffic will be generated.

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23 Nov  / 2887 views  /  by Admin


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