SSL Converter

عن الموقع SSL Converter

SSL Converter


What is an SSL converter tool?

You can quickly and easily convert SSL Certificates into 6 formats, including PEM, DER, PKCS#7, P7B, PKCS#12, and PFX, using our SSL Converter. It might be required to convert your SSL certificates from one format to another based on the server configuration (Windows, Apache, Java)

·        Pfx files are used by Microsoft Windows servers.

·        CRT and.cer files are used by Apache servers.

Please use an SSL converter if one of your certificates is not in the right format.

SSL certificate types:

·        PEM Format

The format in which Certificate Authorities most frequently issue certificates is PEM. Common PEM certificate extensions include.pem,.crt,.cer, and. key. They are ASCII files that have been Base64 encoded and contain the statements "——-BEGIN CERTIFICATE——-" and "——-END CERTIFICATE——-." Private keys, intermediate certificates, and server certificates can all be stored in PEM format.

PEM format certificates are used by Apache and other similar servers. Even though the private key and multiple PEM certificates can both be contained in one file, most platforms, like Apache, require that the certificates and private key be in separate files.

·        DER Format

As opposed to the ASCII PEM format, the DER format is just a binary representation of a certificate. The only way to differentiate between a DER.cer file and a PEM.cer file is to open them both in a text editor and look for the BEGIN/END statements. It occasionally has a file extension of ".der," but it frequently has the file extension ".cer." In DER format, any kind of certificate and private key can be encoded. DER is frequently applied to Java platforms. Only the DER format can be used by the SSL Converter to convert certificates.


·        PKCS#7/P7B Format

PKCS#7 or P7B format files typically have a.p7b or.p7c file extension and are stored in Base64 ASCII format. "——-BEGIN PKCS7-----" and "——-END PKCS7-----" statements are present in P7B certificates. The private key is not included in a P7B file; only certificates and chain certificates are. P7B files are supported by a number of platforms, including Java Tomcat and Microsoft Windows.

·        PKCS#12/PFX Format

The server certificate, any advanced certificates, and the secret key can all be kept in one encryptable file using the PKCS#12 or PFX format, which is a binary format. PFX files typically end with extensions like.pfx and.p12. On Windows computers, certificates and private keys are typically imported and exported using PFX files.

OpenSSL will combine all the certificates and the private key into one file when converting a PFX file to PEM format. You must use a text editor to open the file, copy each certificate and private key (along with the BEGIN/END tags) to a separate text file, and then save each of those files as certificates.cer, CACert.cer, and privateKey.key, respectively.

SSL converter tool by Toolsbox

SSL converter tools are widely available because they are among the most used and important online tools needed by website developers. Toolsbox has also released its variation. This tool is very practical and simple to use. The SSL converter tool by Toolsbox’s best feature is that it is cost-free and has no hidden fees. Simply choose your certificate file and its current type (the SSL Converter will attempt to determine the type based on the file extension), then choose the type you want to convert the certificate to and finally click Convert Certificate.


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