Word Counter Pro

0 0

  • Details

  • 0Words
  • 0Characters
  • 0Sentences
  • 0Paragraphs
  • N/AReading Level
  • 0 secReading Time
  • 0 secSpeaking Time
  • Keyword Density x1   x2   x3  

  • Start typing your document to get a list of most used keywords


Word Counter Pro

About the Word Count Tool

The Word Counter is a dynamic online tool used for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. It is used by writers to enhance word choice and writing style as well as to catch grammar errors and plagiarism.

Whether you are aware of text counts or not, if you have been writing words, you have been working within text limits, from social media character limits to lengthy document requirements in corporate settings.

  • Twitter used to cap our character count at 140, but later increased it to 280.
  • Facebook won't allow you to post anything longer than 63,206 characters or even allow you to comment with more than 8,000 characters.
  • How about the 30 hashtag cap on Instagram? Even the maximum 2,200 characters they permit in your Instagram captions will be cut off after just 125.
  • Apparently, your blog post needs to be north of 1800 words in length in order to rank on Google's first page.

See? We have officially entered the character count limit era!

Why Use an Online Word Count Tool?

First things first, if you're wondering why you should use an online word counter tool, try manually counting the characters in your content. You'll notice that the exercise is quite challenging, if not downright frustrating, before you reach line #7.

In addition, who wants to waste valuable time counting a lengthy document when a tool like ours is readily available to assist?

It's convenient and easy to use.

All you need to do is copy and paste your text into the word counter, and it will automatically count the words for you. You can use it on any device, including a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and there is no software to download or install.

Fast and accurate.

The counting process happens instantly, so you don’t have to wait long for the results. And because the tool uses algorithms to count words correctly, you can be sure that your counts are accurate.


It can be used for a number of things, including keeping track of your writing progress, determining the number of words in a document, and determining the reading difficulty of a text.

It's easy to use with multiple documents.

You can add as many documents as you like and track the word counts for each one individually. Keeping track of your writing progress and remaining organized is made easier by doing this.

An online word counter provides real-time feedback.

The moment you enter text into the word counter, the counting process begins automatically. As you type, the word count will update, allowing you to check your text's length.

How Does the Online Word Counter Tool Work?

The word count tool is fairly easy to use. You can just start typing in the box. Or if you’re using a word processor or online tool, such as Google Docs, to write your piece, you can simply copy and paste it into the text box.

How The Word Count Tool By ToolsBox Is Different

There are a ton of text checkers available, but ours is significantly better and more unique.

In addition to its simple interface and ease of use, Word Count Tool by Toolsbox is packed with features that you won't find in other online text counters that compete with it.

It does the following in addition to counting the words:

  • It provides you with "Basic Count Letter Statistics," such as the total number of words, characters with spaces, and characters without spaces.
  • "Top Word Density" for 1, 2, and 3 words is displayed.
  • It displays "Extra Count Letter Statistics" such as the total number of unique words, the number of sentences, the average word length, the average sentence length, etc.
  • It displays "Length Statistics" such as the proportion of short and long words, the length of the longest sentences, etc.
  • With all these features, this tool is a comprehensive, high-end textual content metrics analyzer rather than just your standard word counter.
  • Oh, and you receive all of those absolutely FREE.

We Respect the Privacy of Our Users

When you use other online letter counter tools, it's typical for them to store a copy of your content on their servers, but not us.

When you use this tool, or any of our other SEO and content tools for that matter, we DO NOT KEEP OR VIEW YOUR CONTENT.

We make sure that only you can access your content, which is completely safe.

Final Thoughts for the Online Word Counter

Words are everything to a writer. They are what we live and die by. They are our main source of income. And while it's important to avoid getting bogged down in the details and numbers, it's still interesting to understand the number of words that went into creating the masterpiece. Every word counts, whether it is in a 40,000-word story or book. Every word in the story has a function and was included by the author with purpose. Make your words count, all you writers out there! Pun obviously intended.


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